Monday, September 18, 2006

What is the best PC keyboard to use?

The best keyboard is the full-size desktop one!

I use several laptops, but both at home and at work, I attach a USB keyboard. It may be awkward in meetings, but if there is a lot to type or demo, I would do it. Don't compromise your efficiency, arm yourself with the best instrument you can get your hands, literally, on. Imagine a pianist like Glenn Gould or a guitarist like Santana doing a concert on a third-rate instrument somebody just threw onto the stage!

Yet, people spend countless hours on inferior laptop keyboards and its inferior pointing device, the touchpad, just because it is possible to do so.

From my observation, touchpad manipulation and navigation seems about 10 times less efficient than the mouse. For one thing, mouse movements tend to be fluid, and one does not struggle so much when positioning the cursor until one is ready to click. Of course, both the touchpad and the mouse require that the eyes are glued to the screen, which keyboard action does not (but that's another topic).

By all means, continue to do use laptops on the plane or on a park bench, but for serious work (development, extensive writing), get a real keyboard and mouse.